Over the past two decades Warner Youth Education has been working with local councils, community organisations and schools to determine the role early education can play to prevent youth crime and anti-social behaviour in their particular community; and how best to leverage off other activities to create a unified approach and message.
Where needed we help to identify funding opportunities and develop submissions, and help engender support from potential stakeholders and sponsors.
We co-ordinate the collective understanding and experience of all stakeholders, encouraging input from councils, school communities, police, youth service workers and community working groups to ensure our programs are targeted and delivered to achieve the most effective outcomes.
We encourage a ‘whole of community’ approach and can provide PR and other support to get the message out to the broader audience.
Whether we are addressing graffiti education, alcohol awareness or other socially aware programs, our expertise is second to none and is reflected in our student and teacher feedback, whilst delivering results that make a difference to communities.
“Tell me and I‘ll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I will understand”
Our whole philosophy of changing attitudes in students is about involving, immersing and entertaining young audiences so we build awareness and create an impact that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. We believe in reaching students through engagement, through entertainment, through reflection, and through reinforcement.
Our simple four step principal
The core to any organisation is the commitment of their people and the experience they bring to the table. Most importantly it’s the passionate leaders that make the difference.
Jania Warner
Managing Director
20 years experience
“The accolades and feedback we receive from teachers, councils and government organisations is a reflection of the professionalism and commitment my team have in ensuring the programs we deliver make an impact to young peoples lives”
Warner Youth Education was founded by Jania Warner, who provides a wealth of experience and insight into working with local government and industry. Jania is passionate about empowering people to reach their full potential.
Luisa Ferrazzola
Lead Warner Youth Education
Luisa has a strong desire and passion to capture youth attention through the provision of youth relevant well presented, interesting, interactive and engaging content delivered using conduits that appeal to youth, and ultimately supporting youth to make decisions good for their short and long term well-being.
She has worked within community education and youth in schools for the past 10 years. In her current role she aims to develop solutions to bring communities together, and with her team build youth knowledge and skills, enabling decision making and actions that lead to a reduction in anti-social behaviours and youth crime. Luisa advises local governments, schools and community organisations on strategies and solutions to achieve such outcomes.
Luisa is mother of primary and secondary aged school children providing her with first-hand motivation to steer teenagers through the tribulations among their peers and journey through life.
She is driven to create youth relevant solutions that truly connect with youth.
Xavier Diaz
Senior Presenter
13 years experience
Our senior presenter leads a team of trained actors and facilitators with significant experience working with young people and children. Energetic and humorous, they are passionate about their mentoring role and thrive on engaging and interacting with young people, working as leaders in various youth programs in their spare time. These human dynamos have polished their skills over the years of delivering to a diverse and sometimes challenging audience.